Carrie Gormley

Marketing & Entertainment

Carrie leverages her 15-year executive background in the entertainment marketing industry to coach emerging leaders, specializing in female leadership and team dynamics. Trained at the Hudson Institute, she offers a holistic approach to guide clients in self-discovery, coupling this with a safe space for emotional intelligence growth. Before coaching, she was President of a leading creative advertising agency, responsible for major studio accounts and a 525% revenue increase.

Combining two decades of personal development, professional training, and leadership experience, Carrie is also a dedicated mother and advocate for working moms. She holds a BA in Sociology from UC Berkeley and another in Economics from the University of Vermont. Her certifications include Hudson Institute Certified Coach and ACC from the International Coaching Federation.

Other partners

Jenny Davidson-Goldbronn
Michael Tucker
Government & Corporations
Amy Yip
Life Transformation
Silvia Llacera
Training & Development
Angelique Carbo
Human Resources & Consulting
Jennifer Kinder
Higher Education
Brad Schwartz
Elissa Kelly
Founder & CEO

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